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Pizza Oven Grill


Elevate your Sunday BBQs with the pizza oven grill kit, turning your kettle grill into a genuine coal-burning pizza oven. Say goodbye to frozen pizzas and savor a delicious homemade pie every time.

It’s a stainless steel insert that turns your kettle grill into a wood-fired pizza oven, capable of reaching temperatures up to 700°F and baking delicious, crispy pizzas in minutes.

  • Versatility: While designed for pizzas, this kit can also be used to bake bread, roast vegetables, or even smoke meats, adding a new dimension to your grilling repertoire.

  • Mastering the art of pizza-making in a grill-top oven takes practice. It’s a fun and rewarding challenge that can elevate your culinary skills.

  • Authenticity: The high temperatures and wood-fired element create pizzas with that authentic, brick-oven flavor you can’t achieve in a conventional oven.

  • Compatibility: While designed for kettle grills, some users have successfully adapted this kit to other types of grills with modifications.

  • Fuel Options: While wood is the traditional fuel, some users experiment with charcoal or even gas for convenience.

  • Maintenance: The stainless steel construction is durable, but regular cleaning is essential to prevent rust and ensure optimal performance.

  • Accessories: KettlePizza offers various accessories, like pizza stones, peels, and thermometers, to enhance your pizza-making experience.

If you’re a pizza lover who wants to take your grilling game to the next level, the KettlePizza Pizza Oven Kit is a game-changer.


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