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365 New Words-A-Year Page-A-Day Calendar

Ditch the worn-out buzzwords and spice up your boss’s lexicon with this calendar packed with fresh, vibrant terminology. Say goodbye to “synergy” and “growth hacking” and hello to a whole new world of expressive language that’ll leave everyone impressed.

This isn’t just a calendar, it’s a daily dose of vocabulary enrichment. The “365 New Words-A-Year Page-A-Day Calendar” isn’t your average date tracker. Each day unveils a new, often obscure word, along with its definition, pronunciation, and usage examples. It’s a fun and educational way to expand your lexicon and impress your friends with your newfound linguistic prowess.

  • Unexpected Discoveries: Beyond expanding your vocabulary, you might stumble upon fascinating etymological facts, historical anecdotes, and linguistic connections you never knew existed.

  • Conversation Starter: Imagine casually dropping “defenestration” (the act of throwing someone out a window) into your next conversation. This calendar provides ample fodder for intriguing discussions.

  • Gamification: Some users turn the calendar into a game, challenging themselves to use the new word in a sentence or creating wordplay challenges with friends.

  • Difficulty Level: The words range from moderately challenging to downright obscure. If you’re a beginner, it might be a steep learning curve, but the satisfaction of mastering new words is undeniable.

  • Thematic Weeks: The calendar often features themed weeks, focusing on specific categories like words from literature, science, or history.

  • Additional Resources: The calendar often includes QR codes that link to online resources, such as the Merriam-Webster dictionary, for further exploration.

If you’re looking to expand your vocabulary and have fun while doing it, the “365 New Words-A-Year Page-A-Day Calendar” is a delightful and educational choice. It’s more than just a calendar; it’s a daily invitation to explore the richness and complexity of the English language.


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